“vibrant and liberal”

This is actually just a souvenir shop. The triple x, which are in fact three crosses, have been the city’s coat of arms since hundreds of years back.

It can also be found on the A’DAM Tower where you will find the highest swing in Europe 100 m above the ground.
Up in the sky

It can even be found in paintings at the Rijksmuseum (but more on this museum later.)
Even in art

And pretty much all around the city.
This is the full coat of arms with the three silver Saint Andrew’s Crosses, the Imperial Crown of Austria, and two golden lions.

The Netherlands is well-known for its tulips due to its long spring season with cool nights. However blue skies like these are not a common feature.

Grey skies and rain are typical in the Netherlands, but the Dutch are very optimistic when it comes to weather and will use the expression “lekker weertje, hè?” in these cases. It translates to “nice weather, isn’t it?”

Why do most buildings have hooks at the top? They are used for pulling up heavy and bulky objects to the top since there are no basements in Amsterdam (wouldn’t want to have a basement under the water level, would you?)
Hooks and beams

Carrying things up the stairs isn’t much of an option either, buildings have long, narrow, and steep staircases.
It’s a long way to the top

The Netherlands doesn’t stand out for its cuisine yet this is a very popular snack. Hollandse Nieuwe is a type of fish that is served raw.

There are more bikes than inhabitants in Amsterdam.

Approximately 15,000 bikes end up in the canals every year.
Bikes in canals

The third most visited museum in the Netherlands, this is the place where Anne Frank wrote her diary while hiding for 2 years.
Anne Frank

Formerly the Amsterdam Post Office, it is now the Magna Plaza, a shopping center.
Shopping in style

The Dutch are open-minded and free spirited as can be seen in the diverse products in different shops spread throughout the city.
To each their own

The most visited museum in Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum houses art and history. The design was a combination of gothic and renaissance elements.

Known as the tortured artist, his work is characterized by striking colors, and rhythmic, and highly expressive brushstrokes. His work focuses on capturing emotions and character rather than photographic realism.
The legend

The most important painting in the Rijksmuseum. Rembrandt painted the main figures in the light and the minor ones in the shade. He was the first to depict the figures in a group portrait in action, here done by the hand gesture of the main character.

The men in the painting are interrupted during their work by the arrival of the viewer. This artistic device was new at the time and is one of the reasons why Rembrandt is regarded a genius.
What are you looking at?

Amsterdam on a typical winter day with its characteristic grey sky.

The bottom row of this stained glass window in the Rijksmuseum shows the four main different architectural styles. From left to right: classical, early Christian, Gothic, and Renaissance.
Architecture Styles

Located inside the Rijksmuseum, this is the largest and oldest public art history research library in the Netherlands.
For book lovers

Also known as De Wallen, it goes back to the Middle Ages, where the harbor area attracted sailors.
Red Lights District

Just north of the main station is Amsterdam Noord, which is accessible by ferry.
That looks modern

This was the first Heineken brewery which was built in 1867. Today it is part of the Heineken Experience, kind of a museum about the beer brand.
Heineken Experience

Here you can find how beer is made, the history of Heineken, and drink beer at the same time.

There’s four key ingredients in beer: water, barley, hops, and yeast.

The logo has changed multiple times, starting with red and turning into its present green and red star.
Image is everything

Similar to the German “prost”, cheers is “proost” in Dutsch.

The foam on top of beer helps to regulate its temperature and keep its flavor but make sure you don’t drink it. Proost!
Drink up

Just a nice picture with clear blue skies to end this trip.